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Since our clients are increasingly based in all regions of the world, we have decided to join The International Accounting Group so that we can continue to support our clients in their quest for highly qualified, expert advice wherever they are in the world. We feel it important to emphasize that this step does not in any way affect the legal status of the company, and that ETL HARTUNG CONSULTING GMBH continues to be an owner-managed independent company. However, following the Wirtschaftsprüferkammer, Berlin we would like to point out that TIAG is not a network in sense of para 2 no. 7 APRiLi (Abschlußprüferrichtlinie).

The clients can now benefit from the opportunity to access a network of more than 70 companies in more than 40 countries around the world — in addition to the firms existing contacts — providing them with professional support in all tax-related issues as their businesses expand across international boundaries.

Another focus of our international efforts is our service to clients from the Asian region. We maintain a China Desk as well as a Japan Desk, which are led by staff that can ensure a native speaker advice and support.